1. Learning Center
  2. Feedback Management

Feedback types: Issues, Ideas, Praise

Feedback is central to any user test. Centercode splits tester submissions into three core feedback types: Issues, Ideas, and Praise.

  • Issues are problems with the product, like bugs, glitches, or anything that doesn't work as designed.
  • Ideas offer suggestions to improve the product, like desired enhancements or missing features.
  • Praise is all about what people love about the product—delights to promote or share across the team.

Each feedback type has a unique submission form, making it easy for testers to tell you relevant details—no more, no less. For example, all three feedback forms prompt the submitter to indicate which feature their feedback relates to, but only the issue form asks for "Steps to Reproduce."

Issues, Ideas, and Praise Overview


  • Pay attention to all feedback, not just your current focus - Your participants want to feel heard. Even if you solely plan to act on issues, take time to thank testers who submit ideas and praise for putting in the effort. They'll be more motivated to keep giving feedback if they feel like part of the team!
  • Keep feedback types separate - Organization is key to funneling actionable feedback to the right teams. For instance, issues are great to share with your product/dev/QA teams, while praise may be more suited for conversations with Marketing and Sales.