How do I close a project on Starter Edition?

Once your test phases have ended and your feedback's in, Close Project is your last step. Closing your project removes all project data from your site, including collected feedback, project content, and your test plan, so you've got a clean slate to spin up your next test.

How Do I Close My Project?


  • Migrate important data out before you close - Closing a project removes all of its data from your site. Before you close, make sure you've recorded anything you might want to remember later, like unresolved bugs or feature requests.


  • Can I undo/restore a closed project? - In Starter Edition, closed projects can't be restored. Delta Edition (and higher) saves all closed projects to an archive, where you can access or reactivate them.
  • How do I access the data inside of a closed project? - Once a project has been closed, you'll no longer have access to any of its data. In Pro Edition (and higher), closed projects and all their data are saved to an archive that you can access any time.