1. Learning Center
  2. Community Administration

Opt-out dashboard

The Opt-Out Dashboard keeps track of how many users have voluntarily left your community. If a user decides to give a reason or leave a comment about why they've opted out, you'll see their anonymous feedback here.

How Do I Use the Opt-Out Dashboard?


  • Read the feedback - Users aren't required to select a reason or leave a comment when they opt out. While not all feedback is constructive (or even justified), it often contains helpful clues you can use to improve your members' experience.


  • Can users who are currently in a project opt out of my community? - No, users who are in an active project can't opt out of your community. You would have to manually remove them from your project first.
  • Why aren't the users I removed from my community listed here? - In this edition, the Opt-Out Dashboard will only show users who have voluntarily removed themselves from your community.