Test plan

Test Planning is the blueprint for your project. From this page, you can set your test schedule and define the to-do list for your project. Laying a solid foundation for your project here ensures your schedule is set and your testers have clear directions on what's being asked of them.

Test Planning primarily consists of Phases and Features.

How Does Test Planning Work?


  • Spend a few moments on this page until you're happy with it - Your test plan guides your testers through your project. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine being a participant.
  • Be careful not to overload your participants with too many features at once - A good rule of thumb is to stay around the "5 features per phase" mark.


  • Why can't testers see my feature? - Centercode guides testers to complete their activities in the currently active phase. If your testers can't see a feature, make sure it's in the active phase (indicated by the green border).