1. Learning Center
  2. Feedback Management

Your feedback list

Your Feedback List is a great way to manage your the issues, ideas, and praise you're collecting inside Centercode.

The feedback list shows you tickets coming in and lets you conveniently sort and interact with them in different ways.

Feedback List Overview


  • Try sorting by Impact Score - Sort by Impact Score to see the most important feedback first. No more manually prioritizing feedback piece by piece—Impact Scoring pulls high-value feedback to the front of the line.
  • Play around with the settings at the top of the feedback list - Everyone works a bit differently. Find what works best for you by experimenting with different ways to sort and filter feedback.


  • I can only see some of my feedback - Make sure you're looking at the right feedback type. You may be looking at your issues list specifically while there's more feedback waiting for you in ideas and praise!